Jurm e Tamanna By Huma Waqas

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Bisat E Khwab is very special and worth-reading novel on today’s era a very common issue, life of spouses and the problem a girl faces after marriage. Story turns to a romantic one afterwards with a happy ending. Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe and find best Urdu Reading Material at…
Kachi Umr Ki Nadaniyan By Kainat Maqsood. It is written on very special and important topic that is a need of every young girl. Kainat Maqsood is very talented and rising novelist who has written some columns earlier in 2019. Read here complete Novel Kachi Umr Ki Nadaniyan by Kainat Maqsood and share your thoughts…
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حسنیٰ قلم از ہما وقاص قسط نمبر32 ” تم ۔۔۔ کیسے یہاں۔۔۔ “ حسن نے جلدی سے پاس پڑی شرٹ اٹھا کر پہنی تھی۔۔۔۔ حیرت سے منہ بھی کھلا تھا اور آنکھیں بھی ۔۔۔ شہروزی نے منہ پر ہاتھ رکھ کر ہنسی دباٸ ۔۔۔ حسن کی اس کو یوں اچانک دیکھ کر امڈ آنے والی…
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