Jurm e Tamanna By Huma Waqas

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Dil Toot Kay Hara Tha By Nayab Jilani is Very famous and most reading novel of Nayab Jilani. Dil Toot Kay Hara Tha By Nayab Jilani is a beautiful story with love, romance and passion the story revolves around many of such aspects. Nayab Jilani comes in very famous and leading novelist among Pakistani Writers…
Kachi Umr Ki Nadaniyan By Kainat Maqsood. It is written on very special and important topic that is a need of every young girl. Kainat Maqsood is very talented and rising novelist who has written some columns earlier in 2019. Read here complete Novel Kachi Umr Ki Nadaniyan by Kainat Maqsood and share your thoughts…
Aymal Raza is most famous novelist and public figure. in Pakistan. One of the leading novelist who has written comedy, romance, Islam and all. She has been engaged in writing for many years and her abilities and writing power has proven it. Aymal Raza Novels are famous in all urdu readers and they are publishing…
Zeest Kay Hamrahi is a Romantic story based novel. It is Allah who put love in one’s heart and sometime we do not even know the hidden love we have for someone in our heart. In this beautiful romantic novel you will read how we find someone we do not expect to meet. Thank you…
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