Death Suspense Imraan Series by Safdar Shaheen

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Safdar Shaheen, Death Suspense, Imran Series, Complete Death-Suspense, Imran Series old ,old imran series, Jasoosi novels, crime novels, adventure novels, Safdar Shaheen novels.
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This book was written by the famous writer Safdar Shaheen. Furthermore You can browse all books related to Imran Series by clicking here.
Read Online and download Death Suspense Imran Series written by Safdar Shaheen
Imran Series is the best-selling Urdu spy and suspense novels series created by Pakistani writer Ibn-e-Safi. Ali Imran is the main character, a comical secret agent who controls the Secret Service as X-2 but appears to work as a normal member of the Secret Agent Service. Except a handful of people, no one knows his status being the chief of the Service.