Famous Novel Train To Pakistan by Khushwant Singh Read Here

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Haalim Complete Novel is published now in book forms and this Unique Haalim Novel came to an end in 2019. The Haalim Novel started in 2017 and ended in 2019. The meaning of Haalim is “Dreamer” خواب دیکھنے والا/والی۔. We Hope the readers have enjoyed Haalim Journey till end From Nimrah Ahmed. It has eventually came…
Ishq Ki Pehli Barish by Samaa Chaudhary is Urdu Romantic Novel. Download PDF HERE. Ishq Ki Pehil Barish is Story of a romantic couple Abresh and Jahan. Their marriage (Nikkah) took place in childhood. Beautifully written by Samaa Chaudhary Mere Armaan aur tum is very romantic urdu novel. Thank you for reading this post, don’t…
Jo Ishq Kare Hardam Raqsam By Shahzadi Hifsa is latest Urdu Novel Written by Shahzadi Hifsa. A Young talented Novelist from Karachi Pakistan. Shahzadi Hifsa has started writing her first Novel in mid of 2018 and gained a lot of popularity with her magical words and beautiful topics. Thank you for reading this post, don’t…
Har Martaba Tu Chaiye by Ana Ilyas Complete Novel. It is an awesome Social Romantic Novel By Ana Ilyas. You are reading here Har Martaba Tu Chaiye by Ana Ilyas the latest completed novel from Ana Ilyas. She has been writing not for a long time but written some of very very beautiful and worth reading novels. Ana…
Hashim Nadeem is famous Urdu Writer and has written many of famous novels. Parizad is one of them which now a days coming on Pakistani Television as Urdu Drama. Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe and find best Urdu Reading Material at Caretofun. Join Our Whatsapp ChannelFollow Our Facebook page The…
Badtameez Larki By Mahi Baloch is very romantic Urdu Novel. This is very romantic Urdu Novel writtien by Rising Star and Writer Mahi Baloch. She has amazing writing skills and been writing for quite some time. Badtameez Larki By Mahi Baloch is Social urdu Novel that you will Love Reading for sure. Thank you for…