Kisi Rastay Ki Talash Mein Novel by Memona Khursheed

Kisi Rastay Ki Talash Mein Novel was very famous and very much readers attracted from the novel. It was started publishing in Khawateen Digest July 2008 by Memona Khurshid Ali. Memona Khurshid Ali is writer of book and novelt Rastay Ki Talash Mein Pdf. It is a beautiful different and encouraging social, romantic, and cultural story that describes many facts in life. The author has discussed multiple era of life, like love and hate, joy and sadness, hope and disappointment, etc.
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Memona Khurshid Ali is one of well known Urdu Writer who has proved to be one of finest writer. She has been writing for so long time that one can have an IDEA by only this novel. it was initially published in KHAWATEEN DIGEST JULY 2008. Memoona Khursheed has made her name and got very much famous due to her antique Romantic writing style. Kisi Rastay Ki Talash Mein is written by a famous female story writer and established novelist of Urdu. She authored some brilliant novels and serialized stories published in the digests. She earned a name for her romantic novels. I hope you like the book Kisi Rastay Ki Talash Mein Pdf and share it.