Jurm e Tamanna By Huma Waqas

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Char Ratain is Latest Novel By Faizan Ahmed. This one is a horror number. Read here Episode 7 and share your views on Episode 7 of Chaar Ratain. Chaar Ratain is a super Horror novel. This is not a real story but reading this you will have a real feelings. Thank you for reading this…
Basil By Huma Waqas Kidnapping and Forced Marriage Based Urdu Novel Basil By Huma waqas a very Uniquely written Urdu Basil novel by huma waqas is also a masterpiece of writer huma waqas URL: https://reading.caretofun.net/basil-by-huma-waqas-urdu-romantic-novel/ Author: Huma Waqas Editor's Rating: 5 Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe and find best Urdu…
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Haya Novel By Fakhra Waheed is a Romantic story based on a Kidnapping story. About a group of gangsters who used to kidnap girls and sell them in market for use. A helpless girl in this story got in the hands of such criminals and her struggle to get rid of the goons. An inspiring…
Harmaan Naseeb Na Thay is a Romantic story based novel. Harman Naseeb Na thy Novel About a romantic couple who lived happily soon after marriage but started to be unbounded. Soon aftersome time realized the reasons and facts that makes them apart. Sometime good and wise decision on timely manners save many precious things in…