Ho Jati Hain Ghaltiyan By Faryal Khan Episode 3

Ho Jati Hain Ghaltiyan Is Social Romantic Novel By Very Talented Faryal Khan. Bringing here Episode 3 of the Novel for readers. Faryal Khan is Young Talented and New Generation Novelist who has started writing early in 2018 and Written a few novels so far. Ho Jati Hain Ghaltiyan is Faryal Khan’s Latest Novel which is about Three Friends who are all after one girl but nobody knows who does the girl likes. Its very interesting story with fun, romance and a great learning.
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Faryal Khan is from Karachi, inspired by Nighat Seema and a Student. A Very Talented Writer and Faryal Khan always has a different story than usual love stories and romance. You will find informative subject and learning from the Novel for sure.
Ho Jati Hain Ghaltiyan Episode 3
ہو جاتی ہیں غلطیاں ۔ تحریر فریال خان
اس ناول کی تمام شائع شدہ اقساط نیچے دئے گئے لنک پر پڑھیں
Ho Jati Hain Ghaltiyan
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