Gadagar By Mufiza Ansari Urdu Afsana

Urdu Afsana by Mufiza Ansari, Gadagar is Short meaningful and a deep thought on poorness in our society that a very few people think about. a story about a rich girl who has realized and urged to help the poors which made her successfull in this worthy intention.
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Gadagar by Mufiza Ansari
گداگر اردو افسانہ

Mufiza Ansari is Talented Urdu Writer From Sukkur Pakistan, She has Done M.A in Urdu and inspired by Nimra Ahmed. Started writing earlier in 2018.
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بہت عمدہ اور فکر انگیز افسانہ
Nice story about our society’s sensitive issue.. well done. Keep it up