Chiragh Sham Say Pehlay By Huma Waqas

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Aymal Raza is most amazing and public loving novelist in Pakistan. One of the leading novelist who has written comedy, romance, Islam and all. She has been engaged in writing for many years and her abilities and writing power has proven it. Aymal Raza Novels are famous in all urdu readers and they are publishing…
Teri Chahat main by Maha Abid Episode 1. Newly published novel by a young and talented novelist Maha Abid. Presenting here episode 1 of Teri Chahat Main. Hoping that the readers who like to read very romantic Urdu Novels will like it too. Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe and find…
Finally Toota Hua Tara Complete Novel By Sumaira Sharif Toor online reading is available Now for pdf. First of all u can click link given below. Sumaira Sharif Toor is a senior writer also wrote many stories and novels in different Pakistani monthly digest. Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe and find best Urdu Reading Material…
HHusna Novel By Huma Waqas Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe and find best Urdu Reading Material at Caretofun. Join Our Whatsapp ChannelFollow Our Facebook page Episode 30 حسنیٰ قلم از ہما وقاص قسط نمبر30 ” یہاں آج کیسے۔۔۔۔ حازق وہاب نظر نہیں آ رہا“ جبار نے قریب ہو کر خباثت…
Sheharzaad Novel Episode 23 going to publish in Shuaa Digest February 2019. Sheharzaad Episode 23. Famous Novelist & Drama Writer Ms. Saima Akram Chauhadry has currently ongoing novels in which Shehrzad is most famous one. You can read complete Novel Sheharzaad Novel Episode 23 here & also pdf download. One of the best Urdu Novel of Saima Akram…
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