Shuaa Digest May 2023

Shuaa Digest May 2023

Here you are going to read Latest Shuaa Digest May 2023 Now exclusively Available in Market, CaretoFUN Presenting you monthly “Shuaa Digest Apr 2020″ for downloading and for online reading. Shuaa Digest is most popular Digest and trending one. Monthly Shuaa digest published every month’s start. You can read and download monthly digests. With best…

Khawateen Digest April 2020

Khawateen Digest May 2023

Here you are going to read Latest Khawateen Digest May 2023 Now exclusively Available in Market, CaretoFUN Presenting you monthly “Khawateen Digest Apr 2020″ for downloading and for online reading. Khawateen Digest is most popular Digest and trending one. Monthly Khawateen digest published every month’s start. You can read and download monthly digests. With best quality…

Khawateen Digest September 2022

Khawateen Digest September 2022

Khawateen Digest September 2022 edition, the final edition of the year. As the winter chill sets in, prepare to be swept away by captivating stories, insightful interviews, and exciting introductions to new literary voices. These talented writers promise to make your winter days cozy and delightful, perfect for curling up with a captivating novel. For…


Tohfa Complete Novelt by Nafeesa Saeed Shuaa Digest April 2021

Tohfa Complete Novelt by Nafeesa Saeed, Sharing from Shuaa Digest April 2021. Tohfa is a beautiful story based on a happy living family and a main character Faryal. Faryal is living happy life and studying in college where a guy started to follow her. Cousin Based Marriage Urdu Novel تحفہ مکمل ناول Complete Novelt Previous…

Khaali Hath by Maimoona Sadaf
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Khaali Hath By Maimoona Sadaf Shuaa Digest August 2020

Khaali Hath by Maimoona Sadaf by Maimoona Sadaf is Urdu Novel. It has been published in Monthly Shuaa Digest August 2020. Maimoona Sadaf is one of the best and well-named novelists in Pakistan. She has been writing for so long time and famous for her unique writing style. Maimoona Sadaf Novels are largely read. Khaali…

ishq barhana by farah bukhari
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Ishq Barhana By Farah Bukhari Shuaa Digest January 2018

Farah Bukhari is a high name when it comes to Urdu Novels. Ishq Barhana By Farah Bukhari published in Shuaa Digest in January 2018. It comes in her long long novels list which Farah Bukhari is writing for Urdu Famous Digests. Farah Bukhari has written a number of famous novels which are being read after…

Ghubar E Safar By Shumaila Dilebad
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Ghubar E Safar By Shumaila Dilebad Khawateen Digest October 2019

 Ghubar e safar by Shumaila Dilabad PDF Ghubar e safar by Shumaila Dilabad PDF Is a social romantic novel by the writer She has written many stories and has large number of  fans waiting for her novels she has written in many digest like  Shuaa Kiran Khawateen  Hina Hijjab  and many more  She is very…

Khawateen Digest April 2020

Khawateen Digest April 2020

Here you are going to read Latest Khawateen Digest April 2020 Now exclusively Available in Market, CaretoFUN Presenting you monthly “Khawateen Digest Apr 2020″ for downloading and for online reading. Khawateen Digest is most popular Digest and trending one. Monthly Khawateen digest published every month’s start. You can read and download monthly digests. With best quality…

Khawateen Digest November 2023

Khawateen Digest March 2020

Here you are going to read Latest Khawateen Digest March 2020 Now exclusively Available in Market, CaretoFUN Presenting you monthly “Khawateen Digest Mar 2020″ for downloading and for online reading. Khawateen Digest is most popular Digest and trending one. Monthly Khawateen digest published every month’s start. You can read and download monthly digests. With best quality…

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