Butter Scotch by Huma Waqas Complete Novel

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Butter Scotch Complete Novel by Huma Waqas PDF Download
قسط کے بارے میں رائے نیچے کمنٹ سیکشن میں ضرور دیں۔
Kanch Kay Paro Sang Novel By Huma Waqas
Huma Waqas is most emerging Urdu novelist who has been writing since long time. Mohe Piya Milan ki Aas is one of her kidnapping based Urdu Novel. She also has her Beautiful creation after “Maqsoom” (Cricketer and Luck based Urdu Novel) which was her great achievement.
Huma waqas is Pakistani Urdu Writer from Faisalabad. She has done MSC and A teacher by profession and inspired by Umera Ahmed in writing.
Her Last Novel Basil was a Kidnapping Story based Urdu Novel that reached height of popularity and people started to read her every new coming novel.
Huma Waqas has written novels on almost all major topics in our society. From home based family issues to kidnapping based gangster and secret agent bases stories are cover by herself.
Huma Waqas Latest Novel
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